Blue Button 2.0 Implementation Guide

Line Payment 80% / 100% Code

Formats: Narrative, XML, JSON, Turtle

Raw xml

<CodeSystem xmlns="">
  <id value="line-pmt-80-100-cd"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns=""><h2>Line Payment 80% / 100% Code</h2><div><p>The code indicating that the amount shown in the payment field on the non-institutional line item represents either 80% or 100% of the allowed charges less any deductible, or 100% limitation of liability only. Source:<em>pmt</em>80<em>100</em>cd</p>
</div><p>This code system defines the following codes:</p><table class="codes"><tr><td><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Definition</b></td></tr><tr><td>0<a name="line-pmt-80-100-cd-0"> </a></td><td>80%</td><td>80%</td></tr><tr><td>1<a name="line-pmt-80-100-cd-1"> </a></td><td>100%</td><td>100%</td></tr><tr><td>3<a name="line-pmt-80-100-cd-3"> </a></td><td>100% Limitation of liability only</td><td>100% Limitation of liability only</td></tr><tr><td>4<a name="line-pmt-80-100-cd-4"> </a></td><td>75% Reimbursement</td><td>75% Reimbursement</td></tr></table></div>
  <url value=""/>
    <value value=""/>
  <version value="1.1.1"/>
  <name value="Line Payment 80% / 100% Code"/>
  <title value="Line Payment 80% / 100% Code"/>
  <status value="active"/>
  <date value="2018-11-27T15:56:35+00:00"/>
  <publisher value="CMS Blue Button 2.0 Team"/>
               value="The code indicating that the amount shown in the payment field on the non-institutional line item represents either 80% or 100% of the allowed charges less any deductible, or 100% limitation of liability only. Source:"/>
  <caseSensitive value="true"/>
  <valueSet value=""/>
  <hierarchyMeaning value="is-a"/>
  <content value="complete"/>
    <code value="0"/>
    <display value="80%"/>
    <definition value="80%"/>
    <code value="1"/>
    <display value="100%"/>
    <definition value="100%"/>
    <code value="3"/>
    <display value="100% Limitation of liability only"/>
    <definition value="100% Limitation of liability only"/>
    <code value="4"/>
    <display value="75% Reimbursement"/>
    <definition value="75% Reimbursement"/>