Blue Button 2.0 Implementation Guide

CodeSystem: plan-cntrct-rec-id

Formats: XML, JSON, Turtle

Plan Contract ID

This variable is the unique Part D contract identifier for the beneficiary’s Part D plan of record for the year. CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a Part D plan has with CMS. If the beneficiary was enrolled in more than one plan during the year, this is the contract number for the Part D plan in which the beneficiary was enrolled at the end of the year. The first character of the plan contract ID is a letter representing the type of plan. Source:

This code system defines the following codes:

H Managed Care Organizations other than Regional PPOManaged Care Organizations other than Regional PPO
R Regional preferred provider organization (PPO)Regional preferred provider organization (PPO)
S Stand-alone prescription drug plan (PDP)Stand-alone prescription drug plan (PDP)
E Employer direct plan (starting January 2007)Employer direct plan (starting January 2007)
X Limited Income Newly Eligible Transition plan (LI NET, starting July 2009)Limited Income Newly Eligible Transition plan (LI NET, starting July 2009)